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Category – Reliability Engineering Reference Books

\"\"Critical Connections

Daniel Daley
Hardcover, 149 pages

Critical Connections describes linking between failure modes, failure mechanisms, predictive maintenance and preventive maintenance. As you might expect, a clear understanding of the links between those elements is based on a clear understanding of the definitions for those elements.

\"\"Failure Analysis Made Simple: Bearings and Gears

Neville W. Sachs, P.E.
Softcover, 92 pages

This book is a guide to the basic failure analysis of gears and bearings that can be used by almost everyone involved with machinery maintenance. It describes how the pieces function and the likely failure causes. Outlined steps highlight how the physical sources of most, certainly over 80%, of all mechanical failures can be solved in the field with a careful inspection.

\"\"FRACAS: Failure Reporting, Analysis, Corrective Action System

Ricky Smith and Bill Keeter
Hardcover, 123 pages

FRACAS is the best method for continuous improvement of your maintenance strategy through the use of good failure data, accurate analysis, and implementation of an effective corrective action. Most people do not understand the power of FRACAS, and in this book we will unlock this awesome tool and change the way you view failures. 

\"\"Don\’t Just Fix It, Improve It

Winston P. Ledet, Winston J. Ledet and Sherri M. Abshire
Hardcover, 224 pages

In his struggles to create a safe place for employees to work while satisfying his superiors with improved performance, James begins his journey to the Precision Domain, Read as he embarks on a journey of lasting Heroic Change.

\"\"Level 5 – Leadership at Work

Winston P. Ledet, Michelle Ledet Henley and Sherri M. Abshire
Softcover, 264 pages

Level 5 is the second installment of the Heroic Change Series. The book is written in a novel format that is easy to read and impossible to put down. While the story  takes place in a fictituous manufacturing company, everyone who reads the book can make a direct connection to the obstacles they are currently facing in their own organization. 

Reliability Centered Maintenance \"\"

Jack R. Nicholas Jr., P.E. with Contributions by R. Keith Young
Hardcover, 912 pages 

The majority of material collected in the pages of this text was extracted from a report prepared for the United States of America Department of Defense by United Airlines Corporation personnel. In the 30 years since its release for public use, no one has come up with a more logical and organized approach to deciding what maintenance to perform to assure achieving maximum reliability form a given design of equipment. 

\"\"Root Cause Analysis Made Simple

Susan Lubell and Ricky Smith
Softcover, 62 pages

Whether you work in a manufacturing facility, a continuous production facility, a hospital or building infrastructure, the need to prevent failures from reoccurring is familiar. This book provides an overview of RCA. It is intended to support of preventing reoccurring failures and provide some tried-and-true practical approaches to conducting a root cause analysis. 

\"\"Reliability Centered Maintenance using… RCM Blitz

Douglas Plucknette
Hardcover, 158 pages

Work alongside the author as he walks you through his step-by-step method for applying Reliability Centered Maintenance, RCM Blitz, which focuses on manufacturing assets. RCM Blitz is a 5-part process, with an easy to follow flow diagram that includes: Up-Front Tasks, Probability and Consequence, Functions and Functional Failures, FMECA and Follow-up Tasks.

\"\"Reliability Centered Maintenance: Unraveling the Mysteries

James Gehris
Hardcover, 211 pages

Complete with a proven process and additional questions, this book expands on the strategies, science and tools necessary to become a successful RCM facilitator or practitioner. Gehris provides a roadmap to help ensure that any RCM analyses are properly conducted and comply with the SAE JA1011 standard of RCM.


\"\"RCM3 – Risk-Based Reliability Centered Maintenance 

Marius Basson
Hardcover, 576 pages

The popular RCMII methodology has been around since the late ’90s, but it was what professionals call a consequence-based approach. This work represents a revision to that bestselling work, by John Moubray, with more modern thinking, an emphasis on a risk-based methodology, and alignment with International ISO standards (55000 and 31000). The result is a more holistic, integrated, and rigorous way for developing asset care and risk-mitigating strategies for physical assets.