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Online Learning When you purchase an online training course, you are purchasing a 1-seat license that begins on the date of purchase. Only one person may view the training materials. The seat license is not based on concurrent connections and may not be shared by other users. Prices are in US$ and plus VAT/GST as applicable.


RC Simplified®

US$ 495.00 

RC Simplified® is an \”Expert System\” type of software. It asks the same question an expert investigator would ask and by answering the user creates a Realitychart and identifies effective corrective actions for minor problems. It is not for complex problems, but does an excellent job with those minor daily problems and because it forces the user to follow the principles of causation they avoid falling into the trap of doing the same old thing they have always done. It is simple to use and comes with three short training videos.  This is for purchasing a 1 year subscription.

\"\"RC Coach®

US$ 495.00 

RC Coach® is our signature online learning experience that teaches the ARCA™ process using the RealityCharting® software and some very effective discovery-based training.

While RC Coach® is normally provided with other online training options that include software, there are some situations where a client already has the RealityCharting® software and only needs the online training. A common example is someone who has taken the classroom training, but is in need of refresher training. This option provides for that circumstance and others.

\"\"RealityCharting® V7.9

US$ 995.00 

RealityCharting® is a user friendly software solution created to help people better understand their problems and identify effective solutions that prevent recurrence.