The Erudite Reliability Services OPC Bookstore A focused reliability and asset management library of books
Category – Asset ManagementReference Books
10 Minutes a Week to Great Meetings, 2nd Edition
Joel Levitt
Softcover, 252 pages
If you are a meeting facilitator or a chairperson of meeting, this book and these lessons are written for you. If you participate in meetings, good for you for wanting to improve your meeting skills. Increase your value to the meetings you attend and check off one important box in your march towards leadership.
Engineering Asset Management:
An Insurance Perspective
Ian Barnard
Hardcover, 149 pages
This book is a compilation of experiences and observations in the fields of asset management, engineering consulting and insurance. While this book presents an insurance perspective on engineering asset management systems, a central tenet of insurance is that if it saves the insurance company money, it will save the client money.
Reliability Centered Asset Management
Richard Overman
Softcover, 91 pages
Mankind has been managing assets for thousand of years. Whether farming, using fire, or smelting brass, it is natural for people to manage assets. However, managing assets and managing them well can be, and often are, two different things. The task for asset managers is to change the paradigm of asset management form maintenance to reliability. Reliability Centered Asset Managment (RCAM) guides the reader through this journey.
The (New) Asset Management Handbook Revised: A Guide to ISO55000
Industry Experts
Softcover, 322 pages
The asset management approaches expressed in The New Asset Management Handbook are designed to connect top management to the physical asset base using a concept called line of sight. Asset Management frameworks require that value and acceptable risk be defined and understood at all levels of the organization. This provides the alignment in decision-making at all levels of the organization to deliver value from assets at an acceptable risk level.
Physical Asset Management Handbook
John S. Mitchell
Softcover, 437 pages
This definitive handbook defines objectives, benefits, opportunities, and the evolution to asset optimization. The book provides a practical description of asset optimization principles and major program elements necessary to implement and sustain a successful asset optimization program.